Texas secession is within our reach... |
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Have you seen the Texit petition yet? Its proponents seek to get the TEXIT question on Texas' primary ballots in time for the Spring of 2024 |
Have you seen the 2023 Texas Independence Referendum Act yet? |
Would you like to let your friends & allies know about these upcoming seceder events here in Texas? |
Is this list of political candidates in Texas who have taken the Texas secession pledge not encouraging? |
If you know someone who is potentially interested in running for public office here in Texas, here are many of the relevant laws: http://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/candidates/index.shtml |
Isn't it interesting how, according to this source, of the 46 [secession] referendums held worldwide between 1905 and 2014, 42 resulted in a new independent country being formed – with two of the remaining four “no” results later reversed"? Here are more details. |
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TexitTimes: an online source of Texit news... |
Have you seen this 2021 podcast of Daniel Miller, the founder of the Texas Nationalist Movement? |
Would you like to contact us? Please feel free to do so either via our website or by visiting |
Why secede?
Rationale for Texas Secession (aka "Texit"):
Did you know that Texas, the mainland U.S.A.'s largest state, was its own country during the mid-1800's? What if Texas resumes being its own country, liberated from the U.S.A.? Texas' economy would be ranked somewhere within the world's Top Ten, especially if it finally wins liberation from Washington D.C.'s spendthrift, vote-buying ways which USDebtClock.org helps expose. Here is an informative list of the size of many different countries' annual gross domestic products.
Indeed Texas, thanks in part to its constitutional ban against a state income tax, still creates the vast majority of new jobs in the U.S. Meanwhile Texas is the only U.S. mainland state with its own electricity / power grid, and it has abundant petroleum and agricultural resources too. Furthermore, in 2015 Texas' legislature established the first state-run gold depository in the entire U.S.A. Texas also has the U.S.A.'s most commercially active port, the world's largest medical center and a growing movie industry. Additionally Texas has an encouraging commercial space sector that could succeed without, if not altogether outperform (jealously monopolistic, bureaucratic and tax-leeching) NASA. (Examples: Blue Origin & SpaceX).
As far as national defense goes, the Lone Star State already has the Texas State Guard (which answers only to the governor), the Texas Army National Guard, the Air Guard and the Texas Rangers. Texas also sends lots of folks to the federal government's military as these statistics help show. Should Texas continue getting its future increasingly mortgaged by central planners over a thousand miles away in Washington D.C.? Why does Texas not resume being its own country so that it can better focus on paying down its own debts? Isn't it time for a Texit?
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Previously: Did you know that as of 2020, plank #65 of the Texas Republican platform now says the following? State Sovereignty: Pursuant to Article 1 Section 1 of the Texas Constitution, the federal government has impaired our right of local self-government. Therefore, federally mandated legislation that infringes upon the 10th Amendment rights of Texas, should be ignored, opposed, refused, and nullified. Texas retains the right to secede from the United States should a future president and congress change our political system from a constitutional republic to any other system. For further information about this inspirational development, please visit the news section of TNM.me. |
Meanwhile please feel free to contact a local chapter of the Republican Party here in Texas to request that they (for example) please help set up a secession petition signing event in your area... |
Likewise, did you know that the Libertarian Party of Texas' platform officially states the following? http://www.lptexas.org/platform IV.3. Texas Independence "LPTexas fully supports the rights of the people to alter their form of government. As the U.S. federal government is increasingly expanding its influence well beyond its Constitutional authority and clearly violating citizens’ rights as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, the right of the people of Texas to alter their form of government, as stated in Article I Section 2 of the Texas Constitution, must be acknowledged by allowing Texans to have an honest and frank discussion on the merits of independence and being allowed to vote accordingly to reassert Texas’ Independence." |
Did you know that the Texas Constitution says the following? "Article 1, Sec. 2. INHERENT POLITICAL POWER; REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT. All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit. The faith of the people of Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this limitation only, they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient." |
Did you know that Here is a more recent analysis of popular opinion in Texas regarding secession.
Can you believe how much larger Texas is than some prominent countries around the world?
These comparative maps are interesting to view... |
Interestingly enough, the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM) maintains an interesting & informative list of questions & answers regarding secession here. |
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A growing quantity of media outlets has covered Texas seceders' electoral referendum petition drive. Here are some: |
Texas politicians with at least reportedly pro-secessionist leanings: |
Candidates' official statement favoring Texas' secession |
Republican Party of Texas candidates (via county chair liaisons) | Plank #65 of the Texas Republican platform |
Libertarian Party of Texas candidates | http://www.lptexas.org/platform |
Rep. Kyle Biedermann | Advocates a state referendum on Texas secession... |
Kathie Glass for Governor |
? |
Larry SECEDE Kilgore | |
During years past, secessionists have circulated the following names as secession-friendly candidates: |
Still? |
? |
Mike Galloway for Senate: FB page; website | ? |
David Watts for Texas Land Commissioner | sort of: FB |
? |
Cary McKay for Parker County Judge: FB page; website | ? |
? |
Briscoe Cain for House District 128 | ? |
James Burgess for Mayor of Venus, Texas | |
James White for House District 19 | ? |
Joel Gardner for House District 6 | ? |
Jonathan Stickland for House District 92 (Tarrant County): FB page; website | ? |
? |
Nicholas Landholdt (Libertarian in Odessa, Texas) | statements (Twitter) |
Steve Toth for House District 15 | ? |
Texas Nationalist Movement's (TNM's) list of candidate endorsements: | ? |
*Libertarian candidates in Texas* | |
Who else deserves Texas secessionists' consideration? |
Please let us know either or at |
Below is a list of websites known to directly embrace the Texas secession subject... |
http://www.FreedomTexas.org |
http://www.GetTexan.com |
http://www.LetTexasDecide.com |
http://www.Republic-of-Texas.net |
http://www.TexasLOS.org |
http://www.TexasLS.org |
http://www.TexasNationalist.com |
http://www.TexasSecede.com |
http://www.TexasSecession.com |
Or at the very least, what if mere portions of Texas secede? |
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Here are some additional relevant websites:
Middlebury Institute's list of |
Are you tired of government corruption? To see who contributes
to whom, or receives what from whom in terms of campaign financing in the
please feel free to consult the following free resource: http://herndon1.sdrdc.com/fecimg/query.html
Political Activism Online: |
FreeRepublic.com's secession section... |
Vote-smart.org |
By the way, state sovereignty resolutions are getting passed throughout
the USA. Here's a list of activist states and their sovereignty resolutions. |
Scotland's secession push has increasingly inspired secession debates throughout the globe, including in Texas. |
http://rt.com/news/188752-scottish-no-independence-movements/ http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/09/19/us-usa-secession-exclusive-idUSKBN0HE19U20140919 Texas-focused: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/if-scotland-can-secede--so-can-texas-185536102.html http://news.yahoo.com/europe-fears-scottish-independence-contagion-071405601.html Spanish: http://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/view/140671-escocia-independencia-texas-eeuu |
Please feel free to share this potentially thought-provoking site with others.
Would you like to |
Please feel free to do so either via our website or by visiting |
Meanwhile, here is a growing variety of social media platforms for discussing secession. |
To return to Seceder.com's cover page, please click here: |